Do you also have pain under or in the forefoot? A burning or sometimes even stinging feeling after a short walk? Then it is good to know that you are not alone. A forefoot complaint occurs in young and old, man and woman.
The area under the forefoot (around the ball of the foot) is the most painful. Many people keep going for a long time with these complaints, while the solution is within reach. The painful forefoot can be treated well and thus remedied.
Cause of the pain
Pain in the forefoot is often caused by inflammation. When this is the case, the inflammation is at the level of the capsule of the second and third metatarsal bone. The inflamed capsule is also called a capsulitus and occurs when the foot unwinds incorrectly. The (front) foot then tilts inward too much, as a result of which the big toe cannot or insufficiently perform its function. When the foot is properly settled, you walk straight over the forefoot and then over the big toe. The big toe then functions optimally.
Why does the foot unwind incorrectly?
Incorrect settlement can be caused by a blockage in the ankle joint or in the middle part of the foot. A possible cause of the blockage is, for example, a sprain. This may already be a minor sprain that you may no longer relate to this pain. A blockage causes a movement restriction in a joint which can lead to a big toe that rises. This creates too much pressure under the center of the forefoot and leads to a claw reaction in the toe joints.
No symptom relief
In order to remedy the complaints, it is important during the treatment that not only the symptom is addressed, but precisely the cause of the pain. Pushing the foot up by placing a bulge in a sole may take the pressure off the forefoot, but it won't fix the problem permanently.
The structural solution to your complaints
In order to arrive at a structural solution, the foot itself will have to function better again. A successful method is the use of manual therapy. When the foot is functioning properly again and with that, you will notice that the pain will disappear within a few weeks.